Upcoming Events

July Lower Cape Coronavirus Housing Response Meeting


The CDP will convene a virtual meeting to share information about how towns can support Lower Cape residents and advance housing initiatives during the coronavirus pandemic. This meeting is a part of the Lower Cape Housing Institute.

Registration details: There is no cost to attend and pre-registration is required. To secure your participation for the Lower Cape Coronavirus Housing Response Meeting on July 24th (10:00am - 12:00pm), kindly register below.

Note: your registration is complete once you receive a confirmation email. If you do not receive an email, please contact Pelinda@capecdp.org to verify your registration.

Audience: elected and appointed town officials and town staff such as current members of the following boards & committees: Select Board, Finance Committee, Planning & Zoning Boards, Community Preservation Committee, Housing Trust, Housing Committee, Housing Authority, Local Housing Partnership, Town staff, etc.

Agenda: Forthcoming

Please note the following before the meeting:

  • Please Download the Zoom app before the meeting time
  • The Zoom application may need to be downloaded to your computer or phone in order to join the meeting.
  • Kindly be ready with the app installed before the meeting start time so we are all ready to start on time and cover as much content as possible.
  • Please join the meeting at 9:55am if you can, this will allow us to start and end the meeting in a timely fashion.

Questions? Contact Pelinda Deegan, Housing Advocacy Program Manager, Pelinda@capecdp.org, (508) 240-7873 x15.




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PO Box 2786, Orleans, MA 02653 508.240.7873 © 2024 Community Development Partnership|Privacy & Terms