“Passionate, not preachy” is how Tracey Barry Hunt describes her commitment to protecting the natural environment of the Outer Cape, and that passion flows strongly through the restaurant she owns and manages with her husband Phillip Hunt. At that restaurant, Winslow’s Tavern in Wellfleet, they were already engaged in many environmentally sustainable business practices prior to working with the CDP on their Cape & Islands Green verification. According to Tracey, “Recycling has been a huge component of our business. We’re constantly looking for ways to re-use”. They also engage in some composting and oyster shell recycling. The compost is used in the two garden plots that produce herbs, greens and other produce for the restaurant. And their commitment translates as part of the culture of the restaurant where they challenge their staff to think green and often get great ideas in return.
We are helping make Cape Cod a green destination by teaching local enterprises about environmentally sound business practices. Business owners are taught ways to reduce energy costs and conserve resources, including how “being green” is good for the bottom line. Topics include solid waste minimization, water and energy conservation, and how to market a green business. We partner with the Cape Light Compact and Cape & Islands Self Reliance to share their expertise in renewable energy options and reducing energy consumption.
With dozens of local businesses having earned a Cape & Islands Green designation, they have become part of a visible—and respected—environmentally conscious business community.