Support Us

Give Monthly

Will you join our Community Sustainer's circle?

You'll help provide a consistent source of revenue we can count on every month to create opportunities for people on the Lower Cape to live, work and thrive.

You decide how much you would like to pledge and after that, everything is automatic. No more checks, no stamps, no envelopes to mail. You'll receive a thank you letter and we'll send you an overview of all your donations in January for tax purposes. And you'll continue to receive updates on the difference you make to your neighbors on the Lower Cape.

You remain in total control and you can change your pledge at any time. It’s simple, secure, and one of the best ways you can support the CDP.

If you have any questions or would like to pledge over the phone, contact Sean Flyr at or 508-290-0127.

PO Box 2786, Orleans, MA 02653 508.240.7873 © 2024 Community Development Partnership|Privacy & Terms