Johanne Brown
Johanne Brown owns Mean Ptown Burgers in the Aquarium Food Court in Provincetown and is a CDP small business client. Johanne grew up in Jamaica, where her mother ran a small restaurant. In 2011, Johanne moved to Cape Cod to work in several restaurant kitchens and served as the head chef at Bayside Betsy’s in Provincetown for seven years. Motivated by her love for food, she ventured into entrepreneurship and founded Mean Ptown Burgers in Provincetown. As a CDP client, she has worked closely with Pam Andersen, CDP Director of Business & Credit Programs, to help get the business off to a solid start. She is immensely passionate and committed to building this business from the ground up by dedicating time and effort to make it successful.
As an Advisory Council Member for the past year, Johanne participated in a round table discussion with Massachusetts Secretary of Economic Development Yvonne Hao in early 2024. Johanne lives with her husband and two children in Yarmouth.